Warning! I wrote these INITs for my personal system. They weren't written with public distribution in mind. Not a lot of error checking is done, so use them at your own risk. About the worst that can happen, though, is that your Mac's clock will be set back a year or so and you'll have to change it back manually. So don't sweat it much.
These INITs are intended to get around the time-stamp/bug in MaxAppleZoom 1.x. It keeps you from having to change the date before you restart, and reset it when the Finder has loaded up.
You must have the "First INIT" load immediately before MAZ. Change the name, use INITPicker, do whatever you need to make sure it loads beforehand. The INIT doesn't care what it's named, just as long as it loads immediately before MAZ. The "Second INIT" must load immediately after MAZ. Again, change the name, etc. The "First INIT" changes the Mac's clock back a little over a year and saves the current date into a temporary storage file in your System Folder. Then MAZ loads up, thinking the current date is about a year ago. After MAZ loads, the "Second INIT" loads up, reads/deletes the temporary date file, and restores the clock back to what it should be.
If something goes wrong somehow, a beep will sound. Since I wrote this as a small hack to get around the time-stamp, I didn't write much error detection/correction. Just remove the INITs if something goes wrong I guess.
Your Mac's clock may fluctuate a second or two after each startup, so if you're concerned about it being very accurate, you may want to check the clock every 60 or so restarts :) I tried to compensate for MAZ's loading time, but it's not always 100% accurate.
If you'd like to contact me, I can be reached on:
CompuServe 72447,3106
America Online Matt Hall
GEnie D.HALL14
I hope someone comes out with a fix for MAZ or a new version comes out soon.. grrr...